Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Estoy leyendo "La vida sexual de Catherine M" editado por anagrama, de hecho es la biografía sexual de Catherine Millet, directora de Art Press. Vaya es la vida de una mujer verdaderamente libre, no como las conservadoras y tradicionalistas que van por el mundo solo pensando en tener hijos y demas imbecilidades. O lo que es nefasto: simular que son de izquierda.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007


Amour (5)

Je t'embrasse. Je prends ta bouche avec ma bouche, tu prends ma bouche avec ta bouche, elle se touchent. J'ouvres tes lèvres avec ma bouche, tu ouvres mes lèvres à tes lèvres, à ta bouche, à ta langue, tu tournes sa langue dans sa bouche, je tourne ta langue dans ma bouche, je découvre ta bouche, tu découvres la sensation de ma bouche, ma langue douce, avec ta langue, j'enveloppe ta langue dans ma langue, je la mélange, tu tournes ta langue, tu la mélanges, elles se touchent, ils se mélangent, je caresse ta langue, je t'aime, tu me laisses entrer, je laisse glisser ma langue, elles s'aiment, ta langue est dans ma bouche, tu caresses ma langue, tu m'aimes.

Christophe Tarkos
Foto: MW Photos, Flikr, CC

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J'étais avec lui, ce matin
J'étais dans son corps, si divin
Et la douceur de ses mains...

A l'abri dans ses bras
Il est mon plus beau combat
Je m'abandonne à l'émoi

Mon esprit se déchaîne
Je pars et je l'emmène
Au-delà de moi-même

Quand mes désirs m'entraînent
Je brise enfin les chaînes
Qui nous serrent et nous gênent

J'étais avec lui, ce matin
J'étais dans son corps, si divin
J'y retournerai demain...

© Patty Vicerale

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"Tienes que comprender la diferencia entre un meditador y un hombre que conoce la tecnica de la meditación, no es un meditador, es un tecnico. Hay muchos idiotas por ahí."

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Thursday, May 24, 2007


Este blog se solidariza con RCTV de venezuela, no a la dictadura.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007


Everytime that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face gettin clearer
The past is gone
It went by like dust to dawn
Isnt that the way
Everybodys got their dues in life to pay

I know what nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know its everybodys sin
You got to lose to know how to win

Half my life is in books written pages
Live and learn from fools and from sages
You know its true
All the things come back to you

Sing with me, sing for the years
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears
Sing with me, if its just for today
Maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away

Dream on, dream on
Dream yourself a dream come true
Dream on, dream on
Dream until your dream come true
Dream on, dream on, dream on...

Sing with me, sing for the years
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tears
Sing with me, if its just for today
Maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away

Foto: Proyecto Antaris

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Saturday, May 19, 2007


Sobre la meditación dinámica
"I insist that all the stages of meditation should be gone through, not one of them can be bypassed. So no one should come to me and ask if this or that stage can be dropped or if one can do without deep breathing, shaking or asking ‘Who am I?’ (the ‘HOO’ stage) No, the first three stages are meant to lead you from one extreme to the other in a very systematic and scientific manner.
"It is for this reason that I insist that only when one stage reaches its climax can we change over to the next one. It is like changing gears while driving a car. If you are driving in the first gear, at first you bring it to full speed and then change over to the second gear. And as long as the speed in the second gear is low, you don't put the car in the third gear. All changes take place at the climactic point. So is the case with the transformation of the mind; it happens at the climactic point, too."
Osho, In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 1

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Thursday, May 17, 2007


Hay algo que me agrada mucho del Buda Jais, y es que dice lo que siente, hace lo que siente porque piensa igual. Esto a muchas dinamicosas les molesta, y es que de esa forma no pueden hacer un juego oculto. De eso se trata todo esto, ser, solo ser. No puedo decir lo mismo de muchas dinamicosas, como que tienen expectativas de lo que debe de ser o lo que no debe de ser.

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Monday, May 14, 2007


La verdad mis espejeos son un asco, mantenerme en el centro me cuesta un huevo y parte del otro. Nunca pense que eso de mantenerse uno en su centro fuera tan dificil; y yo soy de las personas que les cuesta mucho lograrlo. Tengo una mente muy aguda, y junto a eso una pacheques natural. Ya me lo dijo una vez una ex que tuve en mis años universitarios -Eres pacheco natural -me dijo convencida. Si debo aceptarlo, mi cerebro produce lo suficiente para drogarse el mismo. De hecho de adolescente me gustaba hacer que mi cerebro produjera no se que sustancias -la sensación es como de algo que se mueve dentro de un vacio en medio del cerebro - y unos minutos despues me encontraba en otro estado de conciencia.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Once you start acting out of fear, where are you going to stop? Mahatma Gandhi was using the same logic, and he stopped at the spinning wheel. That must have been invented at least twenty thousand years ago and he did not want to go beyond that. He wanted everything that has been invented after the spinning wheel to be destroyed. He was against railway trains, because in India railway trains have been used to make the whole country a slave. These railway trains in India were not created for people's comfort and their service. They were created to move armies, so that within hours armies can move from one part of the country to another part. This is a vast country. There are places which, even by railway train, you can only reach in six days' time. It is almost a subcontinent; and to control this country they had to spread a big network of railway trains. Its basic purpose was the army and the army's movement. But that cannot make us decide that railway trains should be destroyed. That would mean the movement of man is curtailed, he falls back into the Dark Ages. Mahatma Gandhi was not in favor even of innocent things like telegrams, telegraphs, the post office, because they were all used in India, in the beginning, to control the country. Slowly, slowly they were changed into public services. Every invention has been used first by the military, by the war-mongers, and finally they have come to be used by the people. What is needed is not to go backwards; otherwise you will destroy the whole humanity. What is needed is to go forwards and learn some lesson from the past: so that, as scientific technology develops, simultaneously human consciousness should develop. And that will be the protection against technology being used as something harmful to mankind. My basic disagreement with Mahatma Gandhi has been this: that he was dragging humanity backwards.
The New Dawn

Foto: Chimpances rescatados del tráfico ilegal en Katanga, Congo
de Wildlifedirect blog Congo-Rangers

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My first idea is, nations should disappear. There should be a world government which is only functional. And there is no problem of its being afraid about revolution because it will be a servant of the people. And the functionaries of the world government will be only a Rotary Club. They will go on changing each year. Nobody will be in power for more than one year, no one will be allowed to be in power in the government again. Only one time, for one year -- what can he do? And his power is not totalitarian. The people who have chosen him have the right to recall him at any moment. Just fifty-one percent of the voters who have chosen him give a signature to the government that they want him to be recalled -- he is going against the interest of the people -- and the person loses all his power. His power is not given to him for five years without any restraint. Anyway he is going to be out of power at the end of the year, and he will never see power again, so he will make the most of it, to do something that will make him be remembered. And if he tries to do any harm, we have the possibility of recalling him. Just fifty-one percent of the voters are needed to sign a petition and the person can be out.
The New Dawn
Foto:Pinguino Patagonico,Spheniscus magellanicus, especie amenazada.
Aves Argentinas, ONG(Asoc. Ornitologica del Plata)

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Big cities, by and by, should disappear; small communes should take their place. Families should disappear, so there is no loyalty towards a family, no loyalty towards a nation. Children are brought up by the commune, not by the parents. And it is to be decided by the commune how many children are needed, because as people's lives become longer we will need less and less children. If the old people are going to stay longer, then for new guests we don't have any room. In the past it was possible -- go on producing children, as many as you can. A woman was almost always pregnant, until the day she became unable to be pregnant. She went on producing like a factory -- because people's life span was very small.
The New Dawn

Foto: Maasai Mara Reserve,Kenya. De Wildlifedirect Blog: Mara Mobile Veterinary Unit de Azuka Takita

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"Perhaps civilization is still an idea -- it has not happened in reality. I would like my people to transform themselves and through them I would like to bring authentic civilization and humanity to this beautiful planet. There is only one religion, and that is the religion of love. There is only one God, and that is the God of celebration, of life, of rejoicing. This whole earth is one and the whole humanity is one. We are parts of each other."
Jesus Crucified Again, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America
Organización para la defensa de los animales.

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I was crucified-this time in America... and these seven weeks I have been struggling against the poison. And I am happy to declare to you that the crucifixion is over and I am resurrected. It is symbolic that Jesus is crucified this time in America and is resurrected in India. It is symbolic in many dimensions. It is the victory of love over hate. It is the victory of life over death. It is the victory of East over West. It is the victory of truth over criminals like Ronald Reagan. It is the victory of consciousness over body.
Jesus Crucified Again, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America
Foto de Teliryn Lemaire de su blog: Mara Conservation en Wildlifedirect "Cheetas y Leones"

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Love and hate both give color to your eyes and then you cannot see clearly. If you love a person, you start seeing things which are not there. No woman is as beautiful as you think when you love her, because you project. You have a dream girl in the mind and that dream girl is projected. Somehow the real girl functions only as a screen. That's why every love comes to a frustrating point sooner or later, because how can the girl go on playing the screen? She is a real person; she will assert, she will say, "I am not a screen!" How long can she go on fitting in with your projection? Sooner or later you feel they don't fit. In the beginning she yielded, in the beginning you yielded. You were a projection screen for her, she was a projection screen for you. Mulla Nasruddin's wife was saying to him -- I overheard it -- she was saying, "You don't love me as much as you loved me before, when you were courting me."Mulla Nasruddin said, "Darling, don't pay much attention to those things -- they were just campaign propaganda. I forget what you said, you forget what I said. Now let us be real." Nobody can play a screen for you forever because it is uncomfortable. How can somebody adjust to your dream7 He has his own reality, and the reality asserts. If you love a person, you project things which are not there. If you hate a person, again you project things which are not there. In love the person becomes a god. In hate the person becomes a devil -- and the person is neither god nor devil. The person is simply himself or herself. These devils and gods are projections. If you love, you cannot see clearly. If you hate, you cannot see clearly. When there is no liking, no disliking, your eyes are clear, you have a clarity. Then you see the other as he is or as she is. And when you have a clarity of consciousness the whole existence reveals its reality to you. That reality is God, that reality is truth.
Hsin Hsin Ming The book of nothing
Foto: Maasai Men, en wildlifedirect blog de Nike Gilager Kondakis Lorika Foundation. Kenya, Maasailand.

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So exactly... if you want more life, breathe out more so you create a vacuum inside and more breath comes in. You don't think about breathing in. You simply exhale as much as you can and your whole being will inhale. Love more -- that is breathing out -- and your body will gather energy from the whole cosmos. You create the vacuum and the energy comes.
Hsin Hsin Ming The Book of Nothing

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Sunday, May 06, 2007


Las primeras fotos del Zocalo esta mañana dadas a conocer, dicen los colaboradores de Spencer Tunick que fueron cerca de 20 mil personas. Lo que hay que reflexionar es que si hubiera sido un mitin del prd habrían dicho que eran cerca de un millon, como siempre afirman. Ahora podemos observar que la plaza, el cuadrado central está lleno. Así que por primera vez podemos calcular certeramente cuantas personas caben en la plaza. Y por lo visto los partidos políticos han inflado siempre la cifra. Eso sí, fueron más que en Barcelona. Vaya que manía tenemos los que habitamos en la Ciudad de México para mostrar nuestros genitales, jajaja.
Fotos de Reforma y El Universal

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